
Laporta (Laporta_DB)click to expand or collapse

Data Group [O2_DA]: O2 Dissociative electron attachment vibrationally resolved cross sections
V. Laporta , R. Celiberto and J. Tennyson, Phys. Rev. A91, 012701 (2015).

e / O2(v=11)

Data Group [O2_DE]: O2 Dissociative Excitation vibrationally resolved cross sections
V. Laporta , R. Celiberto and J. Tennyson, Phys. Rev. A91, 012701 (2015).

e / O2(v=11)

Data Group [O2_VE]: O2 Vibrational Excitation (elastic and inelastic) cross sections; super-elastic cross sections can be obtained from inelastic ones by balance detail principle.
V. Laporta , R. Celiberto and J. Tennyson, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 22, 025001 (2013).

e / O2(v=11)