
IST-Lisbon databaseclick to expand or collapse

Data Group [Helium]: This is a summary of experimental results at ambient temperatures (unless otherwise stated) by different authors.
Al-Amin S A and Lucas J 1987 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 20 1590;
Anderson J M 1964 Phys. Fluids 7 1517;
Cavalleri G 1969 Phys. Rev. 179 186;
Chanin L M and Rork G D 1964 Phys. Rev 133 A1005;
Crompton R W, Elford M T and Jory R L 1967 Austr. J. Phys. 20 369;
Crompton R W, Elford M T and Robertson A G 1970 Austr. J. Phys. 23 667;
Davies D K, Llewellyn-Jones F and Morgan C G 1962 Proc. Phys. Soc. 80 898;
Kucukarpaci H N, Saelee H T and Lucas J 1981 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 14 9;
Lakshminarasimha C S and Lucas J 1977 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 10 313;
Lakshminarasimha C S, Lucas J and Snelson R A 1975 Proc. IEE 122 1162;
Milloy H B and Crompton R W 1977 Phys. Rev. A 15 1847;
Pack J L and Phelps A V 1961 Phys. Rev. 121 798;
Phelps A V, Pack J L and Frost L S 1960 Phys. Rev. 117 470;
Stern R A 1963 Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Physics of Ionized Gases, Paris vol 1 p 331;
Townsend J S and Bailey V A 1923 Phil. Mag. 46 657;
Townsend J S and MacCallum S P 1934 Phil. Mag. 17 678;
Warren R W and Parker J H 1962 Phys. Rev. 128 2661.
These data were used to fit a direct cross section set for helium in paper L.L. Alves and C.M. Ferreira 1991 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 24 581-592.

e / He