
LAPLACE (measurements after 1975)click to expand or collapse

Data Group [SwarmGroup3]: Summary of Experimental result of following authors.
Al-Amin, S. A. J., Lucas., J., J. Phys. D, 20 , 1590 (1987);
Bowe, J. C., Physical Review, 117, 1411 (1960);
DallArmi, G., Brown, K. L., Purdie, P. H. and Fletcher, J., Aust. J. Phys., 45, 185 (1992);
Elford, M. T.,Aust. J. Phys., 27, 235, (1974);
Kucukarpaci, N. H., Saelee, H. T., Lucas, J., J. phys. D, 14, 9 (1981) ;
Lakshminarasimha, C. S., and Lucas, J., J. Phys. D., 10, 313 (1977);

Pack, J. L., Voshall, R. E., Phelps, A. V., Kline, L. E., J. App. Phys., 71, 5363, (1992);
Petrovic, Z. Lj, Crompton, R. W., Aust. J. Phys., 40, 347 (1987);
S. Takeda and Y. Nakamura, Trans. IEE of Jpn., 102 (1982) 491 – 498, as cited on http://dpc.nifs.ac.jp/DB/IEEJ/, and compiled under the auspices of the Institute of Electrican Engineers of Japan;.

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