
UT (University of Tartu)click to expand or collapse

Data Group [Ar:O2]: R. Talviste, K. Erme, P. Paris, J. Raud, T. Plank, and I. Jõgi (2021) Experimental determination of the effective ionization coefficient in mixtures of Ar and O2. Journal of physics D: applied physics, xx xxxxxx (2021).

e / Ar:O2

e / Ar:O2 (30:70)

e / Ar:O2 (50:50)

e / Ar:O2 (80:20)

e / Ar:O2 (90:10)

e / Ar:O2 (95:5)

e / Ar:O2 (97:3)

e / Ar:O2 (98:2)

e / Ar:O2 (99:1)