
IST-Lisbon databaseclick to expand or collapse

Data Group [N]: P. Coche, V. Guerra and L.L. Alves, ''Microwave air plasmas in capillaries at low pressure I. Self-consistent modeling'' 2016 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 235207.
The cross section set was obtained from Y. Wang, O. Zatsarinny and K. Bartschat 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 062714, and it was extended to 1 keV using logarithmic extrapolation. These data, for the electron collisions with atomic nitrogen, complement the COMPLETE set of N2 cross sections (available in this database under group N2) for use in a chemistry scheme.
Here, N(2D) and N(2P) are also targets (in the superelastic collisions e+N(2D,2P) --> e+N(4S)). Thus, when adopting this cross section set in Boltzmann calculations, one should also take the elastic momentum-transfer cross section for N(2D) and N(2P) (available in this database under group N-elec).

e / Nitrogen

Data Group [N2-rot]: E. Gerjouy and S. Stein, ''Rotational Excitation by Slow Electrons'' 1955 Phys. Rev. 97 1671.
N2-rot is a set of rotational excitation cross sections by electron impact, for transitions N2(X,v=0,J) --> N2(X,v=0,J+2) (J=0,1,.,30), which complements the COMPLETE set of N2 cross sections, available in this database under group N2.
Calculations using these cross sections should include inelastic-stepwise and superelastic transitions between rotational states N2(J=0), N2(J=1),.., N2(J=32), assuming a Boltzmann distribution for their populations:
n_J/N = (g_J/P_rot) exp[-E_J/(k_B T_g)] with P_rot = Sum_(J=0)^30 g_J exp[-E_J/(k_B T_g)] [cf. L.S. Frost and A.V. Phelps 1962 Phys. Rev. 127 1621]. At T_g=300K, these populations are n_0/N=1.29E-02 n_1/N=1.89E-02 n_2/N=6.07E-02 n_3/N=4.01E-02 n_4/N=9.54E-02 n_5/N=5.29E-02 n_6/N=1.11E-01 n_7/N=5.61E-02 n_8/N=1.09E-01 n_9/N=5.11E-02 n_10/N=9.32E-02 n_11/N=4.12E-02 n_12/N=7.11E-02 n_13/N=2.98E-02 n_14/N=4.89E-02 n_15/N=1.96E-02 n_16/N=3.05E-02 n_17/N=1.17E-02 n_18/N=1.74E-02 n_19/N=6.35E-03 n_20/N=9.07E-03 n_21/N=3.17E-03 n_22/N=4.33E-03 n_23/N=1.45E-03 n_24/N=1.90E-03 n_25/N=6.09E-04 n_26/N=7.66E-04 n_27/N=2.36E-04 n_28/N=2.84E-04 n_29/N=8.39E-05 n_30/N=9.72E-05 n_31/N=2.75E-05 n_32/N=3.06E-05.

e / Nitrogen

Data Group [N2-vib]: J. Loureiro and C.M. Ferreira, ''Coupled electron energy and vibrational distribution functions in stationary N2 discharges'' 1986 J. Phys. D 19 17.
N2-vib is a set of vibrational excitation cross sections by electron impact, for transitions N2(X,v) --> N2(X,v') (1 <= v < v' <=10), which complements the COMPLETE set of N2 cross sections (available in this database under group N2) for use in a chemistry scheme.
These cross sections were obtained by applying a threshold shift to the excitation cross sections for transitions from ground-state N2(X,v=0) --> N2(X,v') (1 <= v' <= 10) (see group N2 in this database). The cross sections are intended for use in electron kinetic calculations, e.g. when solving the electron Boltzmann equation. As recommended in Bourdon A and Vervisch P 2000 J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer 14 489 and in Colonna G et al 2015 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24 035004, electron-vibrational mechanisms can be described in a chemistry model by using electron rate coefficients satisfying the scaling law
k_v,v+v' = k_0,v' / (1+0.15*v) (1 <= v' <= 10; 0 <= v <= 49)
where k_0,v' are the rate coefficients for transitions from ground-state N2(X,v=0) --> N2(X,v') (1 <= v' <= 10), that can be calculated from the corresponding electron cross sections (see group N2 in this database).

e / Nitrogen

Data Group [N-elec]: P. Coche, V. Guerra and L.L. Alves, ''Microwave air plasmas in capillaries at low pressure I. Self-consistent modeling'' 2016 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49 235207. The cross section set was obtained from Y. Wang, O. Zatsarinny and K. Bartschat 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 062714, and it was extended to 1 keV using logarithmic extrapolation. These data, for electron collisions with the electronic excited states N(2D) and N(2P) of atomic nitrogen, complement the COMPLETE set of N2 cross sections (available in this database under group N2) for use in a chemistry scheme.

e / Nitrogen