
IST-Lisbon databaseclick to expand or collapse

Data Group [CO]: Ogloblina P, Tejero-del-Caz A, Guerra V and Alves L L, ''Electron impact cross sections for carbon monoxide and their importance in the electron kinetics of CO2-CO mixtures'' 2020 Plasma Sources Sci Technol. 29 015002. The set includes 21 cross sections defined up to 1 keV, and it was compiled from the following references: (i) the elastic momentum-transfer cross section is taken from Itikawa above 0.1 eV and extrapolated at low energy values; (ii) the cross section for the v=0 -> v=1 vibrational excitation is taken from Phelps up to 1 eV and from Laporta et al beyond this value. All other vibrational excitation cross sections (v=0 -> v =2-10) are taken from Laporta et al. Superelastic vibrational deexcitations should be considered as part of the set, adopting a Boltzmann distribution at gas temperature (e.g. 300K or 77K) for the v=0-10 vibrational states; (iii) the cross sections for electron-impact excitation of the electronic states are based on the works by Itikawa and Sawada et al; (iv) the dissociation cross section is measured by Cosby up to 200 eV and extended up to 1000 eV using linear extrapolation in log-log space; (v) the dissociative attachment and the total ionization cross sections are the ones obtained by Rapp and Briglia and by Rapp and Englander-Golden, respectively. The cross sections were defined adopting piecewise linear interpolation.
For E/N < 1 Td at Tg = 300K (10 Td at 77K), the set must be further completed to include rotational excitation mechanisms (see below), in order to reproduce measured swarm data.
This set is to be completed with the rotational cross sections for transitions CO(X,v=0,J) --> CO(X,v=0,J+1) (J=0,1, … ,16), available in this database under group CO-rot (see CO-rot description for more details).
When the full cross section set for CO (containing momentum-transfer, electronic and vibrational excitations, ionization and attachment from ground-state) and CO-rot (including the rotational excitation / deexcitation to/from the CO(J=0), CO(J=1),., CO(J=17) states) are used in a two-term Boltzmann solver they yield swarm parameters that agree with measurements within 1% at Tg = 300K and 20% at Tg = 77K (depending on the parameters and E/N regions), over a large range of E/N values (1e-4 to 300 Td).

e / CO