
IST-Lisbon databaseclick to expand or collapse

Data Group [H]: L. Marques, J. Jolly, and L.L. Alves, ''Capacitively coupled radio-frequency hydrogen discharges: The role of kinetics'' 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 063305.
The cross section set was essentially obtained from Bransden and McDowell (1978) and Vriens and Smeets (1980). These data, for the electron collisions with atomic hydrogen, complement the COMPLETE set of H2 cross sections (available in this database under group H2) for use in a chemistry scheme.
Here, H(2s), H(2p), H(3), H(4) and H(5) are also targets (in the superelastic collisions e+H(2s,2p,3,4,5) --> e+H(1s)). Thus, when adopting this cross section set in Boltzmann calculations, one should also take the elastic momentum-transfer cross section for H(2s,2p,3,4,5) (available in this database under group H-elec).

e / Hydrogen

Data Group [H2-rot]: M. A. Ridenti, L. L. Alves, V. Guerra and J. Amorim, ''The role of rotational mechanisms in electron swarm parameters at low reduced electric field in N2, O2 and H2'' 2015 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 24 035002.
H2-rot is a set of rotational excitation cross sections by electron impact, for transitions H2(X,v=0,J) --> H2(X,v=0,J+2) (J=0,1,…,3), which complements the COMPLETE set of H2 cross sections, available in this database under group H2.
Calculations using these cross sections should include inelastic-stepwise and superelastic transitions between rotational states H2(J=0), H2(J=1),…, H2(J=5), assuming separate Boltzmann distributions for the populations of the para/orto systems:
(n_J/N)_s = w_s (g_(J,s)/P_(rot,s)) exp(-E_J/k_B T_g) with w_(s=p) = 1/4 for para-hydrogen (J even), w_(s=o) = 3/4 for orto-hydrogen (J odd), and P_(rot,s) = Sum_J g_(J,s) exp(-E_J/k_B T_g) with the sum running on J even/odd for s=p,o, respectively [cf. G. Engelhardt and A.V. Phelps 1963 Phys. Rev. 131 2115]. At T_g=300K, these populations are n_0/N=1.2821E-01, n_1/N=6.5802E-01, n_2/N=1.1773E-01, n_3/N=9.1097E-02, n_4/N=4.0621E-03, n_5/N=8.8658E-04.

e / Hydrogen

Data Group [H-elec]: L. Marques, J. Jolly, and L.L. Alves, ''Capacitively coupled radio-frequency hydrogen discharges: The role of kinetics'' 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 063305.
These data, for electron collisions with electronic states of atomic hydrogen, complement the COMPLETE set of H2 cross sections (available in this database under group H2) for use in a chemistry scheme.
The cross sections were obtained from several references, indicated with each individual mechanism, essentially Mukherjee et al (1987) for elastic cross sections, Vriens and Smeets (1980) for excitation, and Percival (1966) for ionization. The elastic (momentum-transfer) cross sections for H(2s,2p,3,4,5) were assumed the same as for H(1s), as given by Mukherjee et al (1987).

e / Hydrogen

Data Group [H2-elec]: L. Marques, J. Jolly, and L.L. Alves, "Capacitively coupled radio-frequency hydrogen discharges: The role of kinetics" 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 063305.
These data, for electron recombination with molecular hydrogen ions H2+ and H3+, complement the COMPLETE set of H2 cross sections (available in this database under group H2) for use in a chemistry scheme. The cross sections were obtained from R. K. Janev et al, "Elementary processes in Hydrogen-Helium plasmas", Springer (1987).

e / Hydrogen

Data Group [H2-vib]: L. Marques, J. Jolly, and L.L. Alves, "Capacitively coupled radio-frequency hydrogen discharges: The role of kinetics" 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 063305.
H2-vib is a set of vibrational excitation cross sections by electron impact, for single/multi-quantum transitions H2(X,v) --> H2(X,v’) (1 <= v < v’ <=15; 1 <= v’-v <= 3; with v’=15 a dissociative level) and for dissociative attachment e + H2(X,v=0-9) -> H(1S) + H(-,gnd), which complements the COMPLETE set of H2 cross sections (available in this database under group H2) for use in a chemistry scheme.
The cross sections for e + H2(X,v) --> e + H2(X,v’) (labelled ''Vibrational'') were obtained by applying a threshold shift to the corresponding cross sections for e + H2(X,v=0) --> e + H2(X,v’) (1 <= v' <= 3) (see group H2 in this database), as given by Nishimura H et al 1985 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 54 1757 and Tawara H et al 1990 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 19 617, using the cross-section ratios in table II of Bardsley N and Wadehra J M 1979 Phys. Rev. A 20 1398.
The cross sections for e + H2(X,v=0-9) -> H(1S) + H(-,gnd) (labelled ''Excitation'') were obtained from Hickman A P 1991 Phys. Rev. A 43 3495.

e / Hydrogen